

During in vitro experimentation, the culture's health and when they respond to the agent is an unknown. Bio-markers and time points are picked according to the researchers' availability instead of when a biological response is occurring.

What if you could watch in real time and determine when the cells are responding? If you could ensure repeatability of your research across researchers and experiments?

Our vision is to improve and accelerate research by providing repeatability of experiments with quantitative culture health measurements and set acceptable parameters to determine if the experiment should proceed. In addition to the ability to pinpoint when the culture is responding to an agent by sensing biophysical and mechanical changes.


After years of conducting cell culture research, we realized we were missing a lot of what the cells were doing. Our fixed time points at 8 or 12 hours were mandated by our schedules and not when a response was occurring. Our assays were measuring to see if something had happened, and not WHEN and WHAT had happened. So, we were determined to change that and create a research device to enable research with real time quantitative monitoring of cells.

We are pleased to announce our first basic research device, the Discovery-Q!

Dr. Abiche Dewilde

CSO & Co-founder, Biomedical Engineering and Biotechnology

Abiche Dewilde Dr. Dewilde has technical expertise in biomedical engineering and performed post-doctoral work leading to the prototype design of the company’s biosensors. Her expertise is device development for cell research in toxicology, drug discovery and animal research. While pursuing her Ph.D. at the University of Massachusetts Lowell (UML) in biomedical engineering and biotechnology, Dr. Dewilde was researching novel methods to sense whole cells. Dr. Dewilde was a co-inventor of the technology used at Invitrometrix.

Berk Akinci

CTO & Co-founder, Electrical Engineer

Berk Akinci Mr. Akinci is an electrical engineer with extensive experience in microprocessors, network devices, storage devices, and biomedical devices. He designs and builds the InVitroMetrix devices.

Mr. Akinci has been producing successful circuit and device designs for over 16 years. He has designed hardware at a large multi-national company (Oracle), a start-up company (Nauticus Networks) and a small publicly-traded company (Corero Network Security). He is most recently a Principal Engineer at a small profitable private company, ZeeVee, developing AV distribution product for surgical suites.

Mr. Akinci is responsible for developing the multi-well cell-based QCM, and he is an inventor of the technology used at Invitrometrix.

Dr. Mark Benjamin

Business Advisor

Mark Benjamin Dr. Benjamin is a biotech industry executive leading strategic planning, business development, financing, and team development (both scientific and operational) that result in revenue-generating opportunities to maximize the value and success of innovative technology start-up companies.

Dr. Benjamin has a Harvard Doctorate of Science degree combined with a career that began in research. He developed a unique talent for translating and articulating complex science and technology into compelling business propositions understood by diverse audiences.